Ø 业界知名权威精彩演讲
Ø 150+国内互联网、食品饮料、零售业、家电、汽车、医药、制造业、技术服务商等相关企业决策人交流
Ø 数字化时代,供应链的实践与创新
Ø 数字化供应链——一切源于数据
Ø 工业4.0大背景下汽车产业如何迎接数字化趋势
Ø 建立以客户为中心的数字化供应链网络运营体系
Ø 新零售时代,全渠道数字化供应链的管理
Ø 数字技术,提升制造和交付的效率
Ø 供应链数字化转型——端对端全球供应链流程
Ø 数字化时代,供应链的机遇与挑战
Ø 未来供应链,如何充分利用数字化力量提升供应链效能
Ø 大数据的可见度及数字分析法,更好的预见供需关系,缩短交付时间
Ø 有目的的协作——内外部的合理协作提升供应链效率
Ø 互联网模式下的供应链创新——新供应链,新物流
Ø 数字化时代下供应链实践——基于互联网商业模式下的创新定制化需求
Ø 重塑未来全渠道供应链—破局全渠道供应链
Ø 大数据驱动智慧供应链
Ø 借助新技术应对数字时代电商供应链管理
Ø 企业如何利用共享经济和数据协同,进行供应链的数字化再造
Ø 物联网打造供应链
Ø 如何保障网络风险、知识产权盗窃、合规和数据挖掘业务
联系人:Jennifer Yu
电话:+86 21 6605 9539-806
China Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2017
“China Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2017” which will be held in Shanghai Longemont Hotel on October19-20, 2017. The Summit is organized by ECV International Shanghai Co.
The digital supply chain ensure that high-quality products can be delivered to customers through the basic information, and the products can be recycled quickly at the end of the product life cycle at the same time. This is the future of the digital supply chains, which will become a reality soon. The digital supply chains are fundamentally different from the traditional supply chains as the traditional supply chains focus on minimizing the manufacturing, delivery and logistics costs, while the digital supply chain is related to and focus on customers.
As an information island, the current supply chain meets many bottlenecks, of which inefficiency is a common problem. Business transaction processes are often time-consuming and complex. The realization of data and visualization is still a problem to every enterprise. With the applications of such new technologies as cloud computing, big data, logistics networks, mobile Internet, the driving force focused on data is driving the digital transformation of enterprises.
This summit aims to facilitate enterprises to rapidly achieve “the combination of the foreground, the middle ground and the background information, and the end-to-end interaction” through the discussion on the digital supply chain transformation “based on data and centering on customers” in the industries and through the sharing of the related practices, to ultimately improve their operational efficiency and customer experience.
“China Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2017” including:
Ø Wonderful Speeches by the Executives of Well-known relative Enterprises
150+ Internet Company、Food and Drink、
Apparel、Luxury and Jewelry、Retail 、
Home Appliance、Consumer goods、
Electronics、Cars、Pharmaceuticals、Retail , Technology service provider and Relative Enterprises at Home and Abroad
This forum will focus on the hot topics as below:
Ø The digital era, the practice and innovation of supply chains
Ø The digital supply chains—all from data
Ø How the automobile industry will meet the digital trend under the background of Industry 4.0
Ø Establishing the customer-oriented digital supply chain operating system
Ø New retail era, the management of Omni-channel digital supply chains
Ø Digital technologies to improve the manufacturing and delivery efficiencies
Ø Digital transformation of supply chains— the global end to end supply chain process
Ø Digital era, the opportunities and challenges of supply chains
Ø For future supply chains, how to make full use of the digital power to improve supply chain efficiency
Ø Visibility and digital analysis method of big data to better anticipate the relations between supply and demand, and shorten the delivery time
Ø Purposeful cooperation—the internal and external cooperation to improve the supply chain efficiency
Ø Supply chain innovation under the Internet Model— new supply chains and new logistics
Ø Supply chain practice under digital era— innovative customization demand based on the Internet Business Model
Ø Rebuilding the future Omni-channel supply chains —breakthrough in the Omni-channel supply chains
Ø Big data driving the intelligent supply chains
Ø Coping the E-commerce supply chain management in digital era in virtue of new technologies
Ø How the enterprises will make use of the shared economy and the data collaboration to rebuild the digital supply chains
Ø Building supply chains with IoT
Ø How to protect network risks and intellectual property theft, and to guarantee compliance and data mining services
More details, please visit our official website:
Contact Us:
More Forum Information
Ms. Jennifer Yu
Tel: +86 21 6605 9539-806
E-mail: jennifery@ecvinternational.com
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